Sunday, June 22, 2008


Dear strangers I met on June 21st in downtown Songtan
that I took weird pictures of,

I'm sorry if you were creeped out by a freak, me, accosting you,
and I'm even more sorry if I took a picture of you.
But by having your pictures taken, you're actually
contributing to my [Project Humanity].
Thanks a million, and if you ever want to see those pictures,
please come back soon.
I'll upload em as soon as I get em developed...

If you'd like em emailed to you or if you want a real copy,
please contact me at:
If you want me to take em down, again, contact me at

Without wax,
the cactus

P.S. I'm not a photographer, nor do I want to become one.
Your picture won't be shown anywhere.
As you see, this website's just my private blog thingy.
All photographs are taken for philosophical reasons.

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